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Coffee Table

“Spiritual Freedom”

We designed this coffee table entitled "Spiritual Freedom" to be a functional piece of artwork where the deep black of the black diamond richlite would accentuated the vibrant iridescent blue hues of the recycled/upcycled polished blue tiger eye stones that have been inset into mortises in an “Abstract Expressionism” influenced design. The low VOC coatings were only applied to the Richlite allowing the semi precious 1 billion year old gemstone from South Africa to retain its original polished (cool to the touch) surface ensuring that all its physical properties are present. The blue tiger panel had been in storage since 1974 and was manufactured by Meerendol. The blue tiger eye has a hardness between 6.5 and 7.5 and the panels require over 100 man hours to produce 1 sq. meter. Blue tiger eye is a very energetic stone and is highly prized by many cultures. The use of the low VOC coatings and adhesives and adhesives, FSA certified recycled paper in the production of Richlite’s black diamond panels, the recycled blue tiger eye, and our electric is provided by photovoltaic cell panels are considered to follow LEED Platinum Certification Guidelines as well as green practices, and best practices.


Laminated Richlite black diamond legs with tenons into the top. The skirt is laminated to the top and tenoned into the legs.


Black diamond by Richlite, which is made from 100% FSA Certified recycled paper and "old stock" blue tiger eye semi-precious stone. We have a very limited amount of this extremely rare material for use in a custom project.


H 20 in. x W 60 in. x D 24 in.


Upon Request

Currently available.


"Modernist Branch Bench"


“Abstract Illusionism™ in Furniture Space”