
Nested Tables

“Constructivism in Wood”

We designed the group of nested tables to be a functional groups of tables which could be used in multiple rooms and room settings. The decoration of the tables was inspired by the Abstract Expressionism and Abstract Illusionism art movements of the 20th century. The use of “old stock” wood and moderately low VOC coatings and adhesives as well as our electrical power is generated via photovoltaic cells is considered to follow LEED Platinum Certifications and to be in keeping with Green Practices, and Best Practices.​

Meaning or Importance of Material:

The meaning of the various woods used varies within the communities and cultures where the trees grow and are harvested. Many of the exotic woods have been revered for their figured grain and color by furniture makers for hundreds of years. As a few examples, figured maple and American Black Walnut have been used in the production of both urban and rural furniture for nearly 400 years and have been revered for their strength, color, and figure. Walnut has been associated with our ability to use our minds clearly and become focused. It has also been associated with the human breath as well as having been used for the maintenance of health and disease prevention. Maple has been associated with giving of ourselves to others and is considered the tree of offering by Native American cultures. Maple is a fascinating a beautiful wood due largely to the great deal of variation in its appearance. Some maple wood is without any interesting grain, while some has an amazing wavy (called "curly") appearance with remarkable translucence. And some maple is known as "Bird's Eye" maple because it has tiny little spots in the grain, like miniature knotholes, throughout the wood. And still other maple is "spalted," or crossed with very dark lines within the grain. It is sometimes hard to tell that all of these woods come from the same type of tree. Maple is one of the most spiritual woods in existence. Because of this, the primary use of the wood is that of spiritual healing. It is also amazing when working with moon magic. Maple is a traveler's wood. Those who are always on the move and changing will feel right at home with this type of energy. It allows a person to focus in on the choices in any situation, eliminating luck and chance. Juniper holds powers of protection, healing, strength, love and peace. 

The following information is from Touch Wood Rings and Wikipedia:  The energies of rosewood are primarily feminine and are focused on the spiritual and institute health and beauty. It is often used to assist one in spiritual healing and has been hugely prized for thousands of years by a myriad of cultures. Purpleheart is a spiritual wood, often associated with the feminine. It enhances energy dealing with creativity and knowledge.  One of the best woods when dealing with spiritual healing and health issues, purpleheart would be especially useful in eradicating the negative energies that create strife in the home and workplace. The color purple has for centuries been associated with royalty and power and is the color of the crown chakra that represents transformation, creativity, spirituality, and spiritual awareness.  Padauk or Vermilion was chosen for the bright color red which symbolizes power, good fortune, and is the color of the root chakra.


Length 25.5 ”x Width 17.5 ” x Height 25.625” 
Length 21.25 ”x Width 15.5 ” x Height 24.625”
Length 17.25 ”x Width 13.5 ” x Height 23.625”


Upon Request

Currently Available.


"De Stijl Mondrian’s Work"


"Diagonal Interplay"